On the flip side, some lone wolf types can be identified by the following, which doesn't necessarily translate to being "negative":

The above lone wolf traits might actually benefit from the isolation from others. Your artists, painters, and poets are well-known for requiring separation in order to get their creative juices flowing.

When it enters LWS territory is when these traits go to the extreme - when being alone is in fact just a way of avoiding deeper problems. When the isolation is actually becoming too much, and causing you to be less productive or creative.

Since not everyone does well on their own, if the issue is just being around the wrong types of people, then it becomes about re-calibrating your inner story and re-discovering healthier or more productive people to be around.

But to prevent yourself from attracting the wrong types of people, or from re-entering human groups with the same "baggage", it's important to do the inner work required so that it doesn't carry over.

We believe that by simply re-adjusting your thoughts, setting new goals and intentions, and taking small daily actions with the right people to inspire you, you can turn things around for yourself.